Good Florist Guide

The Good Florist Guide was born out of a need to distinguish between the florists who are worth your money and those who aren’t. Because whilst there are hundreds of wonderful shops and studios there are also some seriously bad ones too. Never mind all the dodgy online operators that pop up every week and […]


Based in Fareham, Optimus, is one of the largest independent flower importers in the UK.    Established over 20 years ago, the company supplies 1000’s of varieties of fresh flowers and foliage from countries all over the world along with seasonal British flowers.   Starting as a UK wholesale only supplier, they now work with wholsalers, multiple […]

The Florist Trade Magazine

The Florist Magazine has been the eyes, ears and voice for the flower industry since 1949. Produced by a team with years of industry experience, The Florist Magazine aims to inspire and inform with a mix of in-depth business features, fabulous design ideas and all the latest industry news. ​ It started life in 1949 […]